What Are The Vertigo Callouts?

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vertigo callouts csgo

Hope you’re not afraid of heights because today we’re taking things to the next level with the precise Vertigo callouts!

Among all the CSGO maps, Vertigo is one of the most specific ones. While a lot of other competitive maps are done in a more or less flat and regular pattern, with only a little vertical diversity. However, while the outline and the setting of Vertigo are pretty simple, its intertwined lateral pathways might get a little confusing for those who do not pay attention.

Here we’ll elaborate on the CSGO Vertigo callouts and show that although it might seem convoluted at first, understanding some key elements will help you never get lost and confused again.

Vertigo Map Callouts

Because the map itself is divided into two main planes, we’ll discuss the callouts in terms of the ‘lower’ and ‘upper’ part of the map and their cross-sections.

vertigo map with callouts

Vertigo Callouts – Lower

The Ts start their game in the lowest point of the map, referred to, as it usually is, as T-Spawn. The Stairs lead you to the Upper Spawn, on the higher plane, and you can also use Quick to get up faster. However, staying on the lower plane provides you with two pathways. Taking the 50 takes you straight to the Bridge, which is a narrow funnel in the middle of the map where you can also find an elevator shaft that takes you back up to Mid. Bridge leads to Forklift, a room at the base of a rising area referred to as Ramp. A low position at the bottom of the ramp is called Dog, and taking the scaffolding is simply called out as Fold. The other way, more to the left from T-Spawn, is the B Lower tunnel, which takes you either to the B Site by the B Stairs or forks out to the connector and back to 50 to rotate to the other path. 

Vertigo Callouts – Upper B

The CT Spawn is in the upper section of the map right in the middle between both bombsites. Both spawns have access to the Mid section of the map, intermediated by the T-Mid closer to the T-Spawn (with a Generator stall just at the Upper Spawn), and a CT Mid going just right out of the CT Spawn. The wall between T-Mid and Mid is called the Iron, and it’s the place where unorganized Ts are usually shot the easiest. The set of materials in the mid is sometimes called Unfair and might serve as a great hiding place in longer shootouts. There’s also Jump, which is the barricade that requires one to jump to shoot from behind it, and a small box in the middle called Boost that lets you see through Squeeky, which is a small window to the CT tunnel above cement bags.

By going through a small section called just CT, the defenders can get to the general B Site area. The tall containers are simply called Green. The smaller container shielding the plant site is called B Blue (or just Blue, if you know you’re talking about B Site). The hiding spot in the corner of the building is called out as Back (or Corner) and is a great spot to watch both the CT and the B Stairs, although not perfectly safe. The construct next to B Stairs is called Big and provides some cover for anyone coming up from the stairwell.

Vertigo Callouts – Upper A

By taking the back route through the plaster wall corridors CTs can get to A Site Back with Tower being a bit of a hiding spot. From there, materials on the east of the map provide a little cover called Hide. The blue container is called A Blue (ditto just Blue if you know it’s A Site), which also guards any shots from the Side tunnel. Side, on the other hand, can be used to get to A site from CT Mid, and contains the box sweetly called Bang, guess why. Back at the plant, Phew is a similar, exposed yet useful location.

A Site can also be approached from the previously mentioned Ramp. The upper part of the rise is called Top Ramp, with the deadly trap of the Sandbags, which can be used either to observe the site or to lurk for players coming out of the Ramp.

Vertigo Callouts CSGO – Summary

As you can see, there is not much to memorise on this map, compared to some others, like Overpass. The map has several choking points which are important to notice, others are usually expositions to watch out for from bombsites. If you think we could elaborate on this further, let us know in the comments below!

